Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I am Tired of: Domestic Assaults

I just don't get it. Guy smacks the hell out of his wife. She gets scared and mad and calls the Po Po. Guy gets thrown in jail. She refuses to give a statement and then bails him out. Probably even has his favorite meal waiting for him and then a dose of pussy. Doesn't make sense. Over and over this type of scene plays out all across America every day. The laws have been strengthened to protect women because it was clear they needed the help. The only problem is that many never wanted the help.

Now let me draw a clear line between a victim and not a victim;
Victim: Guy beats the shit out of girlfriend. She gets out of the home and guy stalks Her. He terrorizes her and continues to beat her and possibly even kill her.
Not A Victim: Guy beats the shit out of girlfriend. She calls the Po Po. They show up and arrest the guy, fight ensues and girlfriend attacks the cops. Either jumps on a law-dog's back with her fingernails across his face or maybe she grabs a knife out of the kitchen.

I have heard stories of abuse that go far beyond the torture found at the Hanoi Hilton. Then, in the next breath, she tells me she loves him and will forgive him. I am tired of this bullshit. Talked to a gal today that dated an abusive shit bag for 4 years. That is 1461 days (if you include leap year) that she woke up next to his guy and said "sure he smacks the shit out of me but I love him" and the funny thing is that HE kicked her out! WTF, Over?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was asking for it anyway.Just quit going to the calls and she will quit calling.
The Rick

12:09 PM  
Blogger Zeke said...

What the fuck out?

12:16 PM  
Blogger Dr. Gregory Roberts said...

It's called battered woman syndrom. It's akin to learned helplessness. Look it up.

6:08 PM  
Blogger proud fan said...

It's all a bunch of a bullshit. I work in an ER so I see those "victims" every day.
It is frustrating to see those women battered as hell with their teeth busted out and their jaws broken and eyes half hanging out of their sockets -- and they say "It's my fauly, I made him mad... I shouldn't have made him mad" or they refuse to press charges and two months later you read their name in th epaper where the guy finally killed them...

12:20 AM  

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