Monday, February 12, 2007

Need Sleepy Time (part II)

The engine is running. I grip the steering wheel and attempt to focus on the darkness that I am plunging into. I don't know how long I was out but now I can't see a thing. Slam on the brakes. Can't see the road. Don't know how fast I am moving. Not long til I hit something hard. I brace myself and wait. And wait. Then it strikes me. I am parked. The car is in park and the headlights are off. Too tired to drive so I stopped, turned up the 2-way, set the alarm for 20 minutes, and took a power nap. Now I turn on the lights and put the cruiser in 'D'. Where the hell am I? I know this county inside out but have no idea. I turn right. The 2-way crackles and I respond with a guttural utterance. Now everyone knows. 3 miles of gravel road before I finally get it figured out. I need coffee before I kill myself.


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